Welcome to CAIRPblog!

by Susan Yellin
January 16, 2015
[caption id="attachment_21" align="alignnone" width="113"] [/caption] Welcome to the official blog of the Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals! We hope you will enjoy insightful and informative posts by our team of expert bloggers on a wide range of topics, including insolvency and restructuring, personal finance and professional development for Trustees in Bankruptcy and all who work in the field. We’ve designed this blog to help demystify the sometimes intimidating and often misunderstood process of filing for bankruptcy or consumer proposal and to talk about the issues surrounding the latest corporate restructurings and filings. It will also help keep CAIRP members up to speed on association issues, news and events as well as important legal rulings and changes to key pieces of legislation such as the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act. We’ll talk about better ways to conduct your business, how to deal with typical, but touchy situations and how you help keep your professionalism at a high level. Canadians will find postings on our blog that help them better understand that Trustees in Bankruptcy are there to help them through their darkest financial times and give them the tools to get back on their feet. There’s no doubt that taking a responsible attitude to your financial decisions is a tough row to hoe these days. While interest rates may be low, it may be difficult to find – and keep – a job in our still-struggling economy. Soaring house prices aren’t helping. But let’s look at the other side: taking responsibility for your financial actions can have long-lasting benefits to your bottom line, provide you with an enduring sense of accomplishment and position you as a role model for children and adults alike. For many, declaring bankruptcy or entering a consumer proposal offers a chance to take control, by shedding debt and embarking on a fresh start. If you want to know more about what we do, the role of a Trustee in Bankruptcy, or have concerns about debt and the process of commercial bankruptcy, you’ve come to the right place. It is CAIRP’s vision for our members to be the recognized leaders in providing solutions for both individuals and businesses undergoing serious financial problems. Our members, those with a CIRP designation – Chartered Insolvency and Restructuring Professional – after their name, have undergone one of the most rigorous certification processes in the country. They have the knowledge and expertise to provide Canadians with real solutions to their debt problems. Stay tuned for our next post, which will explore the perils and rewards of leaving a big firm to strike out on your own as a Trustee in Bankruptcy! Susan Yellin BA (Hon),  is an Outside Director of CAIRP. She is an independent Public Relations and Communications Consultant, writer, media trainer and coach. Susan lives in Toronto.