Invest in your “Financial Well-being”

by Crystal Buhler, CPA, CGA, CIRP , LIT
November 1, 2018
A quick scroll through our social media feed, and we are inundated with slogans telling us to, “Take care of your body”, “Eat Healthy”, or that “Mental Health Matters”. These are all true, and each is vital to one’s overall well-being. However, many Canadians may not realize that properly managed finances can also have a positive impact on health. The Government of Canada has designated November as Financial Literacy Month (FLM). The first FLM was launched in 2011 to raise awareness among Canadians about the importance of financial literacy in strengthening an individual’s financial well-being. Since then, community organizations, volunteer groups, agencies and associations such as CAIRP have become involved in FLM. ​ This year’s theme is investing in your “Financial Well-being”. The goal is to encourage Canadians to take control of their finances and reduce financial stress by improving their financial literacy. Materials available from the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) promote steps such as making a budget, having a savings and debt reduction plan, and understanding financial rights and responsibilities. As CIRPs, we have the skills to educate fellow Canadians about such topics as debt, credit ratings, budgeting, and options available for those in financial difficulties. If you are looking for material to share, a good place to start can be found here: Financial Literacy Database: November Calendar of Events Stay tuned for more ways you can get involved with Financial Literacy Month throughout November. (Source: )