Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals

New CQP Sign-up

Before you start this application, please have your Sponsor complete this FORM. You will then be asked to upload the completed form in the below application.


Date of Birth


Preferred Language
 English    French

Were you ever a CAIRP member?
 Y    N

Are you currently employed by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy?
 Y    N

* Please note that the Province of Employment selected will determine which provincial association, if any, that you will be considered a member of.

Office Information

Preferred Phone

List of Degree(s) obtained (must provide proof of all degrees listed)

1. Degree University Proof

2. Degree University Proof

3. Degree University Proof

Applicants with neither degree nor designation, please describe your post-secondary course achievements (Accounting and Business Law courses are required): (must provide proof of all courses listed)

1. Course Institution Proof

2. Course Institution Proof

3. Course Institution Proof

Please select all professional designations below which apply

 CA - Outside Canada  
 CPA - Canada  
 CPA - Outside Canada  
 CPA, CA  
 FCA - Outside Canada  
 Insol International Fellow  

Record of Employment (must be completed by all applicants)

1. Firm Position From To

2. Firm Position From To

3. Firm Position From To

 Yes   I wish to be considered for admission to the CIRP Qualification Program, and, under Section 38b of the Memorandum of Understanding, am requesting exemption from the General Entrance Requirements.

Detailed résumé, including relevant education and work experience

Sponsor's Declaration

Note: This Declaration Form is available from the CAIRP website at for candidates who apply to the CQP without a sponsor. Please note that all candidates must have a sponsor before registering for the Core Knowledge course. Sponsors must complete & submit this form prior to the registration deadline date.

Upload completed Sponsor Declaration form

Current Practice



Declaration of Applicants for Membership to the CIRP Qualification Program

 Yes   I solemnly declare that to the best of my information, knowledge and belief:

  1. I am ordinarily resident in Canada;
  2. I am of good character and reputation;
  3. I am not in a state of insolvency as defined in the licensing directive;
  4. I have no criminal record;
  5. I am in good standing and not subject to any current disciplinary action by any professional organization of which I am a member;
  6. I have not resigned from or let my membership lapse in any professional organization, except as a member in good standing.

Does any of the above require additional disclosure?  Y    N
If so, please provide details in a separate attached letter.

If admitted to the CIRP Qualification Program I agree to:

  1. Pursue my studies with due diligence;
  2. Abide by the CQP Program Rules;
  3. Give immediate notice to the CQP Registrar of any change of sponsor or employment (i.e. terminated or materially changed); and
  4. Give immediate notice to the CQP Registrar if I cease to be resident of Canada.

 Yes   I understand that my sponsor will simultaneously receive copies of any or all correspondence between the CQP and myself. I further declare that the foregoing is a true and correct record of my educational background and business experience.

Suspension and Termination of Articling Associate Status

Articling associates are required to renew their status each year. Annual fees are payable in addition to any course fees. The membership year runs from April 1 to March 31. Annual renewal notices are sent out via email at the beginning of April each year. Paper invoices are not issued. You are responsible for informing CAIRP of any changes to your status or contact information.

  • If your dues are not received within 60 days of the issuance of the annual renewal notice, your articling associate status will be automatically suspended in accordance with article 22.1 of CAIRP's Bylaws and could be subsequently terminated.
  • Please note that this suspension/termination policy also applies if you fail to inform CAIRP of a change to your contact information and we are unable to contact you.
  • If your articling associate status is suspended, a $500 reinstatement fee will apply in addition to your annual fees.
  • If your articling assoicate status is terminated, you are required to submit an application to be reinstated, which must be approved by the Executive Committee, and the $500 reinstatement fee will apply in addition to your annual fees.
  • If you are planning to voluntarily withdraw from the CQP, please inform the Isabelle Gauthier, CQP Registrar (, as soon as possible so that we can update our records. This may allow you to re-enter the program at a later date without being required to pay the $500 reinstatement fee or seek approval from the Executive Committee.

 Yes   I have read and understand this policy.


What types of emails do you wish to receive?
 CAIRP Promotional Notifications  
 CAIRP Newsletter and Updates  
 ARIL Promotional Notifications  

You are encouraged to answer the self-identification question below. Your response is voluntary and information collected is protected under the Privacy Act and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, and will be used for statistical purposes only.

With which of the following group do you identify:
 Gender diverse
 I prefer not to answer

With which of the following groups do you identify (you may self-identify in more than one group):
 Members of visible minorities  
 Aboriginal peoples  
 Persons with disabilities  

 Yes   I have read the CAIRP Privacy Policy