Jing Shi
Professional Profile:
As a member of the Deals – Corporate Advisory and Restructuring practice, I help companies who are in financial difficulties identify causes, develop plans to address them, and support them to carry out those plans. I also provide financial advisory services to both debtors and creditors, and various lead restructurings projects. The best part of my work is identifying opportunities to maximize value for stakeholders in different situations. Being fluent in Mandarin, I have helped many Mandarin speaking clients providing business solutions in their unique situations.
Services provided:
- Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Insolvency
- Corporate Insolvency
Jing's Office Location(s):
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
250 Howe Street
Suite 1400
Vancouver, BC
Canada V6C 3S7
TEL: 6048067215
FAX: 6048067806
E-mail: jing.shi@pwc.com
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