Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals

Colleen Craig

C. E. Craig & Associates Inc
TEL: 2503868778

Professional Profile:

Colleen Craig, is a CPA and FCIRP who has owned and operated her insolvency firm, C.E. Craig & Associates Inc in Victoria BC since 2002. Servicing all of Vancouver Island and the surrounding Gulf Islands, Colleen has a focus on assisting both personal debtors and small and medium business navigate the Canadian insolvency system. Colleen can assist with both business and personal bankruptcies or negotiations with creditors through the proposal process. Colleen is active in her local community through numerous volunteer initiatives including - Past Chair, Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre, Sidney, BC - Past Chair, CAIRP Professional Practice Committee - Past Board Member - CAIRP, National Committee - Past Chair, British Columbia AIRP - Past Treasurer - Royal McPherson Theatre Society - Past Treasurer - Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Victoria Colleen has also been honoured by her peers with two national awards - 2018 CAIRP Outstanding Volunteer Award - 2020 CAIRP Fellowship Award

Corporate Profile:

C.E. Craig & Associates Inc, under the guidance of Colleen Craig, CPA, CA, LIT, FCIRP is a federally Licensed Insolvency Trustee. Colleen and her staff help individuals and business in BC with a bankruptcy or federal debt reduction programs. As a LIT, she is licensed by the Superintendent of Bankruptcy in Canada. Servicing Vancouver Island and surrounding Gulf Islands, the professionals at C.E. Craig & Associates give everyday practical solutions to people who have experienced debt problems in every way imaginable. We help to manage financial situations that have gotten out of control. We know that each person we deal with has their own story of how they have struggled financially. But for every story, there was always a solution, hope, and most importantly, a chance to start over again.

Services provided:

  • Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Insolvency
  • Consumer Insolvency
  • Corporate Insolvency

Consultation provided:

  • Virtual
  • In Person (in line with provincial guidelines)

Colleen's Office Location(s):

C. E. Craig & Associates Inc
204-2736 Quadra Street
Victoria, BC
Canada V8T 4E6

TEL: 2503868778
FAX: 2503866864


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C.E. Craig & Associates Inc
102-2823 Jacklin Road
Victoria, BC
Canada V9B 3Y1

TEL: 250-386-8778


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