Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals

Mary Ann Marriott

Licensed Insolvency Trustee
Allan Marshall & Associates
TEL: 9025436800

Professional Profile:

Mary Ann is a Licensed Insolvency Trustee with Allan Marshall and Associates. She has been involved the insolvency industry for 35 years and obtained her license in 2017. Her focus is on Consumer files. Mary Ann is passionate about helping others become financially literate and has been a guest speaker to various groups and organizations on the topic of Money Management. In addition to finding her in the Halifax or Bridgewater office doing her everyday work, you can also find her on social media or volunteering on her community radio station under her alternate title, Dr. Debt where she regularly shares tips and ideas on how to have happy, healthy finances.

Corporate Profile:

Mary Ann is a Licensed Insolvency Trustee with Allan Marshall and Associates. She has been involved the insolvency industry for 35 years and obtained her license in 2017. Mary Ann is passionate about helping others become financially literate and has been a guest speaker to various groups and organizations on the topic of Money Management. She services the HRM and Bridgewater offices with a focus on consumer files.

Services provided:

  • Consumer Insolvency

Consultation provided:

  • Virtual
  • In Person (in line with provincial guidelines)

Mary Ann's Office Location(s):

Allan Marshall & Associates In
80 Logan Road
Bridgewater, NS
Canada B4V 3J8

TEL: 9025436800
MOBILE: 9024406800
FAX: 1-888-634-0945


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