Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals

Andriy Bazelevsky

Licensed Insolvency Trustee
Harris & Partners Inc.
TEL: 888-376-8488

Professional Profile:

I have been working in the insolvency industry since 2003. I graduated from Grant MacEwan Community College in Edmonton, Alberta in 2004 and then I continued to pursue my accounting designation. I received my CGA designation in 2011 and was licensed as an Insolvency Trustee in 2013. The insolvency industry is my passion, as it lets me help people to solve their debt situation and start fresh. I pride in providing an impartial and unbiased advice to people in need. It is an amazing feeling to be debt free, one just needs courage to reach out to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee, like myself, to learn about the options available. I believe knowledge is power.

From my experience, the biggest mistake most people in debt make is not getting the best advice on their situation. They avoiding contacting a Licensed Insolvency Trustee at all cost due to fear of being "put into bankruptcy". This mistake often ends up costing them more money and often no resolution.

Corporate Profile:

Harris & Partners Inc. is a Licensed Insolvency Trustee practicing in Canada since the early 1960s. Founded by Lawford Harris CPA, CA, CIRP, the firm is presently led by Jay T. Harris CPA, CA, CIRP and Managing Partner.

Harris & Partners operates in 9 provinces and provides services to honest but unfortunate Canadians that need debt relief.

Services provided:

  • Consumer Insolvency

Consultation provided:

  • Virtual

Andriy's Office Location(s):

Harris & Partners Inc.
8920 Woodbine Ave., Suite 104
Markham, ON
Canada L3R 9W9

TEL: 888-376-8488
MOBILE: 306-517-2505


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