Association canadienne des professionnels de l'insolvabilité et de la réorganisation

Wesley Cowan

Wes Cowan, CIRP, LIT, LLM
Senior Vice-President
Téléphone: 5197727461

Profil professionnel

Wes Cowan, CIRP, LIT, MA, LLM is a Senior Vice-President (Partner) and Licensed Insolvency Trustee in the Kitchener Insolvency and Restructuring Group of MNP Ltd. Wes has 25 years of experience in insolvency matters; 20 of those years as a federally licensed Insolvency Trustee. Wes was appointed Director of Consumer Insolvency for Canada at MNP Ltd. in 2019

Wes has a diverse range of experience in both personal and corporate insolvency engagements. With a focus on restructuring as an initial position, Wes has often found alternatives to bankruptcy that benefit both debtors and creditors alike. In addition, Wes has a unique perspective on tax related debt given his former role as a collections officer and auditor with the Canada Revenue Agency (Revenue Canada).

Wes and his team serve clients not only from the Kitchener office, but also from the Waterloo, Cambridge, Stratford, and Woodstock MNP accounting offices, and a range of satellite offices in Tillsonburg, Guelph, Mount Forest, Listowel and Owen Sound.

In 2016 Wes completed a Master of Laws degree (LL.M.) at Osgoode Law School specializing in Bankruptcy and Insolvency.

E-MAIL Wes at or call him at 519-772-7461

Secteurs d'activité

  • Insolvabilité de micro, petites et moyennes entreprises
  • Insolvabilité du consommateur
  • Insolvabilité d'entreprise

Services de consultation

  • En mode virtuel
  • En personne (dans le respect des lignes directrices provinciales)

Bureau(x) où travaille Wesley:

101 Frederick Street, Suite 1001
Kitchener, ON
Canada N2H 6R2

Téléphone: 5197727461
Télécopieur: 5195811019


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