Association canadienne des professionnels de l'insolvabilité et de la réorganisation

Andrew Fisher

Licensed Insolvency Trustee
A. Fisher & Associates Inc.
Téléphone: 289 807 4999

Profil professionnel

I’ve been helping individuals and businesses deal with their financial struggles since I started working at my dad’s practice in 1994. Since then, I took over my dad’s practice, sold it and became a partner at a large firm.

I decided to open A. Fisher & Associates Inc. because I felt there was a need to do things differently. We put our clients first. Everything we do is focused on working with our clients to find the best solution to their financial problems and to make the process of eliminating their debt as painless and convenient as possible.

Profil du bureau

We bring a forward thinking approach to help individuals eliminate their debt. We appreciate that talking about money problems isn’t always easy. We guide our clients through their options to find a solution that best suits their needs, free of judgement and hassle.

Secteurs d'activité

  • Insolvabilité de micro, petites et moyennes entreprises
  • Insolvabilité du consommateur

Services de consultation

  • En mode virtuel
  • En personne (dans le respect des lignes directrices provinciales)

Bureau(x) où travaille Andrew:

A. Fisher & Associates Inc.
90 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 702
Toronto, ON
Canada M2N 3A1

Téléphone: 289 807 4999
Portable: 416 414 4174
Télécopieur: 289 807 4501


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Farber Financial Group
1600-150 York Street
Toronto, ON
Canada M5H 3S5

Téléphone: 4164963414


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