Rahn Dodick
Profil professionnel
Rahn provides financial restructuring advisory services to companies, lenders, creditors, and other stakeholders in troubled or potentially troubled credit situations. His services are provided in the context of early interventions, strategic financial advice, out-of-court restructurings, and formal restructuring, bankruptcy and receivership proceedings. In addition, as part of these advisory services, he assist's in distressed mergers and acquisitions and capital sourcing.
Profil du bureau
Dodick Landau Inc.'s head office is located at, 951 Wilson Avenue, Suite 15L, Toronto, ON, M3K 2A7. In addition, it has a number of offices around the greater Toronto area available for client meetings.
Secteurs d'activité
- Insolvabilité de micro, petites et moyennes entreprises
- Insolvabilité d'entreprise
Services de consultation
- En mode virtuel
- En personne (dans le respect des lignes directrices provinciales)
Bureau(x) où travaille Rahn:
Dodick Landau Inc.
951 Wilson Avenue, Suite 15L
Toronto, ON
Canada M3K 2A7
Téléphone: 416-645-0552
Portable: 416-520-6455
Télécopieur: 1-866-874-1791
Courriel: rahn.dodick@dodick.ca
web: www.dodick.ca
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