Joel Easter
Profil professionnel
Joel Easter joined Scott and Pichelli Limited as a student in 1992. Joel has steadily worked his way though the company ranks and obtained his trustee license in 2000. As of 2014 Joel has become a full partner in the company, which is now Scott, Pichelli & Easter Limited. Joel has wide ranging experiences in both consumer and corporate bankruptcy. Joel has headed the restructuring of many companies and has helped several professionals reorganize their practices and regain profitability. Joel has a compassionate approach when dealing with stressful financial issues, with genuine interest and concern for people enabling him to provide practical solutions to each individual.
Profil du bureau
Scott Pichelli & Easter Limited Licensed Insolvency Trustee has been providing Insolvency Services such as bankruptcy, consumer proposals, corporate bankruptcy and corporate proposals and receiverships for over 40 years in Burlington, Hamilton, Oakville and the surrounding golden Horseshoe are. We also offer accounting and tax services."
Secteurs d'activité
- Insolvabilité de micro, petites et moyennes entreprises
- Insolvabilité du consommateur
- Insolvabilité d'entreprise
Services de consultation
- En mode virtuel
- En personne (dans le respect des lignes directrices provinciales)
Bureau(x) où travaille Joel:
Scott Pichelli & Easter Limited
109 - 3600 Billings Crt.
Burlington, ON
Canada L7N 3N6
Téléphone: 9056325853
Télécopieur: 9056326113
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