Association canadienne des professionnels de l'insolvabilité et de la réorganisation

Jervis Rodrigues

Senior Vice President
BDO Canada Limited
Téléphone: 6046885421

Profil professionnel

A senior restructuring and turnaround professional, with over 35 years of experience helping companies solve complex problems. Serving the Financial Institutions and Legal firms with their customers and clients that require creative solutions ahead of insolvency to save these entities and return them to solvency, preventing liquidation and wind-up.

Secteurs d'activité

  • Insolvabilité d'entreprise

Services de consultation

  • En mode virtuel
  • En personne (dans le respect des lignes directrices provinciales)

Bureau(x) où travaille Jervis:

BDO Canada Limited
600 Cathedral Place
925 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, C.B.
Canada V6C 3L2

Téléphone: 6046885421


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