Association canadienne des professionnels de l'insolvabilité et de la réorganisation

Bryan Litvack

Litvack Group Inc.
Téléphone: 6479461737

Profil professionnel

Bryan Litvack is a Licensed Insolvency Trustee with Litvack Group Inc. and helps individuals in financial stress through government options such as bankruptcy and proposals. He started his career working at Big 4 accounting firm auditing companies in the technology, media and telecommunication sectors. Upon receiving his chartered accounting designation (CPA, CA), he transferred to the corporate restructuring group to work with financially distressed companies. This included informal and formal insolvency proceedings such as bankruptcy, receivership and business reviews in various industries such as, manufacturing, real estate, medical, technology and transportation.

After working over 15 years helping financially distressed companies, Bryan decided to change his focus towards primarily assisting individuals in financial distress. Bryan owned his own company, Litvack Group, to provide a more personal service to his clients.

Profil du bureau

Litvack Group is focused on helping individuals in financial difficulty through government options such as consumer proposals and bankruptcy. Litvack Group offers compassionate and expert guidance to help clients regain control of their finances. With a commitment to personalized service, our team works closely with individuals to assess their financial situation, explore available options, and develop tailored strategies for debt resolution. Litvack Group empowers clients to achieve a fresh start and secure a brighter financial future.

Secteurs d'activité

  • Insolvabilité du consommateur
  • Insolvabilité d'entreprise

Services de consultation

  • En mode virtuel
  • En personne (dans le respect des lignes directrices provinciales)

Bureau(x) où travaille Bryan:

Litvack Group Inc.
11-201 Spinnaker Way
Concord, ON
Canada L4K 4C6

Téléphone: 6479461737


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