Allen MacLeod
Profil du bureau
At D. & A. MacLeod Company Ltd., we have over 65 years of experiencing working with individuals and businesses of all sizes to manage difficult financial situations and offer a "New Beginning" on the road to future debt resolution and financial stability. Our services include debt advice and assistance no matter the debt issue. We work with our clients to provide options for resolving corporate and/or an individual’s debt circumstances including: Corporate restructuring through direct creditor mediation; Division 1 proposals; and bankruptcy; Trustee under the Construction Act; Credit counselling to help manage individual credit card debt and spending habits; Canada Revenue Agency tax issues; Assistance in managing Student Debt and outstanding loans; Consumer Proposals if appropriate for avoiding bankruptcy and Bankruptcy services.
Secteurs d'activité
- Insolvabilité de micro, petites et moyennes entreprises
- Insolvabilité du consommateur
- Insolvabilité d'entreprise
Services de consultation
- En mode virtuel
- En personne (dans le respect des lignes directrices provinciales)
Bureau(x) où travaille Allen:
D. & A. MacLeod Company Ltd.
343 O'Connor Street
Ottawa, ON
Canada K2P 1V9
Téléphone: 6132369111
Télécopieur: 6132366766
CarteV: Importer à mon carnet d'adresse