Association canadienne des professionnels de l'insolvabilité et de la réorganisation

Manage Your Money in a Changing World

novembre 30, 2023, 2:00 - 3:00 PM

As we celebrate the FCAC’s Financial Literacy Month 2023, CAIRP is pleased to present this one-hour free public webinar designed to help Canadians increase their financial knowledge, skills and confidence. This webinar will focus on helping Canadians identify true measures of good financial health and build financial resilience in a continually shifting economic landscape.

Our speakers include:


Michael Braga, MBA, CIRP, LIT, Partner - Senior Vice President, BDO Canada Limited, ON 

Mike is a Licensed Insolvency Trustee with BDO Canada Limited serving the Kitchener–Waterloo and surrounding area. Since joining BDO in June 2001, Mike has assisted a wide range of debtors with his main area of practice being personal bankruptcy and consumer proposals. Mike hosts a personal finance show called “Money Matters,” to provide his viewers with relevant and topical financial information.


Colleen Craig, CPA, CA, FCIRP, LIT, CEO, C. E. Craig & Associates Inc., BC 

Colleen is the founder of C.E. Craig & Associates Inc., a Chartered Professional Accountant, Licensed Insolvency Trustee, and a Fellow member of the Canadian Insolvency and Restructuring Professional Association. Her insolvency career has focused on providing practical and unbiased advice about debt relief options to both individuals and to businesses.  


Tania Daher, CIRP, LIT, Associate Vice President, Ginsberg Gingras, QC

Tania has 12 years of personal and commercial insolvency experience to her credit. She joined Ginsberg Gingras in January 2008 as an administrator who specialized in commercial files. Her proactive and highly motivated approach helped her to rise quickly through the ranks. She became a Licensed Insolvency Trustee in 2011. 


Francyne Myers, JD, CIRP, LIT, Allan Marshall & Associates Inc., NS 

Francyne is a Licensed Insolvency Trustee with Allan Marshall & Associates Inc. Prior to this, Francyne had a 23-year public service career, much of which was spent in senior positions with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy.  Francyne has completed a B.Sc. degree in Biology and Mathematics at Mount Saint Vincent University and a law degree (J.D.) at the Schulich School of Law.

Venue: Facebook page of the Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals (CAIRP)

To view the live webinar on CAIRP’s Facebook page, please follow these simple steps:

  • Log into your personal Facebook account
  • Visit CAIRP's Facebook page
  • Click the ‘Like’ button
  • Tune into the live webcast on the page on Thursday, November 30 from 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET

We look forward to seeing you there!